Tuesday, April 21, 2015

After a long break...

A few days ago I had a sudden panicked feeling that my two little boys are growing up right before me, and I'm not documenting ANY of it! These past two years have probably been the happiest of my whole life, and I'm realizing that I won't remember all of the sweet moments that made them what they were. I gave the whole handwritten journal thing a try at the beginning of this year (a new years resolution) and made it about two weeks before I gave up. It took me way to long to document my days when I had to handwrite it. Another plus to a blog...I can easily add pictures to go along with all the stories/events I'm writing about.  So, first I am going to start with an update on each babe.

Emmett (2 years old)
-Putting some pretty cute sentences together that make us laugh all.the.time. His vocabulary is exploding and he really is understanding us well. His new thing he says is "Daddy home soon fix                 " whatever is broken. He really has learned who fixes EVERYTHING around here!
-Can be quite a bit of a stinker. Still likes to get into things when mom and dad aren't watching.
-Loves his "baby Vimon!" (Simon)
-Loves to say "Hoonnneyyy!" or "Baaaaaabe!" when he yells up the stairs.
-Also is in a  phase of saying "Mommy, I love you!" about ten times a day...especially when I seem mad or flustered about something.
-Is very good at saying "Please Mama/Daddy" and "Thank you"...if he doesn't say it I just stare at him until he does.
-His favorite food is cheese, cookies, and apple sauce.
-LOVES his bike and going on walks. Especially with Daddy. Along with this, he is obsessed with his ginormous bike helmet that my mom got him. It is the cutest thing ever
-Always says "Oh no I fall down!" in the sweetest voice ever.
-Just this passed week, we moved him into his "big bed"...thats a whole other story for another post.

Side note: As I was writing this, Emmett reached up into the refrigerator and got ahold of the Maple syrup glass bottle...he dropped it and it shattered EVERYWHERE. Sticky maple syrup mess with glass all over the kitchen. Hopefully I will laugh about this one day....

Simon (8 weeks)
-This boy is CUTE. We love him to pieces. He has a smile that lights up his whole face. He loves when we sit over him and just talk to him.
-He was basically in a coma the first two weeks of his life. Which led me to believe he was going to be the BEST sleeper. Well...then he woke up. The past six weeks have been a little difficult, but then I started putting him it "The Miracle Blanket". Its a swaddle where you basically tie their arms down. haha. It has been the BEST thing ever! He has slept through the night the past two nights in a row. He went from sleeping 2-3 hours at night to now going 5-7 hours.  Who knows if it will last forever, but for now we are loving it!
-Trying to make him a binky baby. With Emmett, we gave up on him ever `taking a binky and let him suck his thumb. Which was great and all for night time because he could never lose it...but at church...nightmare. I look at all these little babies who are so quiet and can sit on their moms laps during relief society and I'm so jealous! They all have their pacis in and just play with toys quietly. I could never force Emmett to suck his thumb when he needed to be quiet so it made it difficult.

And heres a big ol' photo dump to catch up:

I love being their mom!

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

After a long break...

A few days ago I had a sudden panicked feeling that my two little boys are growing up right before me, and I'm not documenting ANY of it! These past two years have probably been the happiest of my whole life, and I'm realizing that I won't remember all of the sweet moments that made them what they were. I gave the whole handwritten journal thing a try at the beginning of this year (a new years resolution) and made it about two weeks before I gave up. It took me way to long to document my days when I had to handwrite it. Another plus to a blog...I can easily add pictures to go along with all the stories/events I'm writing about.  So, first I am going to start with an update on each babe.

Emmett (2 years old)
-Putting some pretty cute sentences together that make us laugh all.the.time. His vocabulary is exploding and he really is understanding us well. His new thing he says is "Daddy home soon fix                 " whatever is broken. He really has learned who fixes EVERYTHING around here!
-Can be quite a bit of a stinker. Still likes to get into things when mom and dad aren't watching.
-Loves his "baby Vimon!" (Simon)
-Loves to say "Hoonnneyyy!" or "Baaaaaabe!" when he yells up the stairs.
-Also is in a  phase of saying "Mommy, I love you!" about ten times a day...especially when I seem mad or flustered about something.
-Is very good at saying "Please Mama/Daddy" and "Thank you"...if he doesn't say it I just stare at him until he does.
-His favorite food is cheese, cookies, and apple sauce.
-LOVES his bike and going on walks. Especially with Daddy. Along with this, he is obsessed with his ginormous bike helmet that my mom got him. It is the cutest thing ever
-Always says "Oh no I fall down!" in the sweetest voice ever.
-Just this passed week, we moved him into his "big bed"...thats a whole other story for another post.

Side note: As I was writing this, Emmett reached up into the refrigerator and got ahold of the Maple syrup glass bottle...he dropped it and it shattered EVERYWHERE. Sticky maple syrup mess with glass all over the kitchen. Hopefully I will laugh about this one day....

Simon (8 weeks)
-This boy is CUTE. We love him to pieces. He has a smile that lights up his whole face. He loves when we sit over him and just talk to him.
-He was basically in a coma the first two weeks of his life. Which led me to believe he was going to be the BEST sleeper. Well...then he woke up. The past six weeks have been a little difficult, but then I started putting him it "The Miracle Blanket". Its a swaddle where you basically tie their arms down. haha. It has been the BEST thing ever! He has slept through the night the past two nights in a row. He went from sleeping 2-3 hours at night to now going 5-7 hours.  Who knows if it will last forever, but for now we are loving it!
-Trying to make him a binky baby. With Emmett, we gave up on him ever `taking a binky and let him suck his thumb. Which was great and all for night time because he could never lose it...but at church...nightmare. I look at all these little babies who are so quiet and can sit on their moms laps during relief society and I'm so jealous! They all have their pacis in and just play with toys quietly. I could never force Emmett to suck his thumb when he needed to be quiet so it made it difficult.

And heres a big ol' photo dump to catch up:

I love being their mom!

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